Zeki's Euro Trip

1st post


This is my 1st post. 5 months and 9 days until I leave for Europe. YAY! My dad said I need to be serious, so no crazy fonts or anything. I need to write about what I’m looking forward to and what I’m worried about. I’m really looking forward to eating gelato and pizza.

I also want to see all of the tourist attractions. 

5 thoughts on “1st post

  1. Jem

    I didn’t say you have to be serious. I said you have to take it seriously.

    What are the photos of? Why do you want to see them? Looking forward to more posts that will explain what they are.

  2. Babaanne

    It is all very exciting. The sites will be wonderful and you will learn so much. What a trip!

  3. Anne Bicer

    It already looks like it’s going to be a fantastic trip. I can’t wait to hear your travel stories & see your pics. Are you learning a few Italian expressions like “Questa e la pizza migliore mai”!!